I'm trying to post my values from my form page to my connection_asp page but my values seem to being passed incorrectly.
A) form parameters:
[sConn = Application("Conn.ConnectionString" & ";User Id=" & Request.Form("UserName" & ";PASSWORD=" & Request.Form("UserPwd" & ";"
Conn.Open sConn
If Conn.State = adStateOpen Then]
[Dim Conn
'Check to see if our Connection already exists if it does, don't do anything
If Not isObject(Conn) Then
'If it doesn't set out variable to type ADO Connection Object
Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection"
With Conn
'Specify some parameters for our Connection object
.ConnectionTimeout = 15
.CommandTimeout = 30
.CursorLocation = 3
.Open Application("Conn_ConnectionString"
End With]
A) form parameters:
[sConn = Application("Conn.ConnectionString" & ";User Id=" & Request.Form("UserName" & ";PASSWORD=" & Request.Form("UserPwd" & ";"
Conn.Open sConn
If Conn.State = adStateOpen Then]
[Dim Conn
'Check to see if our Connection already exists if it does, don't do anything
If Not isObject(Conn) Then
'If it doesn't set out variable to type ADO Connection Object
Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection"
With Conn
'Specify some parameters for our Connection object
.ConnectionTimeout = 15
.CommandTimeout = 30
.CursorLocation = 3
.Open Application("Conn_ConnectionString"
End With]