I'm trying to convery part of a programme that uses Access 97 as the fron and SQL 7 as the back to ADO cos everyone says it is much faster.
I am however stuck
I have:-
csql = "SELECT DISTINCT RouteNumber FROM [Order Entry Table] WHERE Transmit = #" & Format(vSetDate, "dd/mmm/yyyy" & "#"
rs1.Open csql, cnn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
lstRoutes.RowSource = rs1.???
lstRoutes is a listbox. How can I make the rowsource some function of the ado recordset?
Or alternatively, how do I populate a listbox/form with data using ado?
I am however stuck
I have:-
csql = "SELECT DISTINCT RouteNumber FROM [Order Entry Table] WHERE Transmit = #" & Format(vSetDate, "dd/mmm/yyyy" & "#"
rs1.Open csql, cnn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
lstRoutes.RowSource = rs1.???
lstRoutes is a listbox. How can I make the rowsource some function of the ado recordset?
Or alternatively, how do I populate a listbox/form with data using ado?