I have a new site using embedded voicemail and the 9xx extension range.
The reception phone is extension 999, but we are not using voicemail on this extension.
There was a misconfiguration initially where a call to 999 was sent to voicemail and a message was left on the Administrator Mailbox.
I can't figure out how to remove the message from the mailbox so as to turn off the MWI on the set.
Have tried the the FAC to turn off the MWI but it just comes on again the next morning.
I have also FTP'ed into the controller and deleted the actual voicemail file, but the database still reports one message on that mailbox.
There are a lot of users who have already gone and set up their voicemail greetings so I don't want to have to reinitialize the voicemail system if possible. Surely if a voicemail can be left on the administrator mailbox there should be a way to remove it.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
The reception phone is extension 999, but we are not using voicemail on this extension.
There was a misconfiguration initially where a call to 999 was sent to voicemail and a message was left on the Administrator Mailbox.
I can't figure out how to remove the message from the mailbox so as to turn off the MWI on the set.
Have tried the the FAC to turn off the MWI but it just comes on again the next morning.
I have also FTP'ed into the controller and deleted the actual voicemail file, but the database still reports one message on that mailbox.
There are a lot of users who have already gone and set up their voicemail greetings so I don't want to have to reinitialize the voicemail system if possible. Surely if a voicemail can be left on the administrator mailbox there should be a way to remove it.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.