Hello !
I have 2 subreports side by side and want adjust them
so that all lines have the same y-position.
Each subreport has 50 lines and a very litte error in heigh
will result in at the last line by a factor 50.
Resize by mouse is to unprecise to get the exact result.
My idear was:
In CR one can unfortunately not adjust the size of area
so my trick was to size the field exactly by dialogbox
and the resize the area to the field size (by mouse move up).
But the size/positon dialog box will not accext axact
the same value (only in the left report 0.25 and the right 0.26 cm) for each report.
Why ?
Who can I simple set two report to same area size ?
Andreas Weichert
I have 2 subreports side by side and want adjust them
so that all lines have the same y-position.
Each subreport has 50 lines and a very litte error in heigh
will result in at the last line by a factor 50.
Resize by mouse is to unprecise to get the exact result.
My idear was:
In CR one can unfortunately not adjust the size of area
so my trick was to size the field exactly by dialogbox
and the resize the area to the field size (by mouse move up).
But the size/positon dialog box will not accext axact
the same value (only in the left report 0.25 and the right 0.26 cm) for each report.
Why ?
Who can I simple set two report to same area size ?
Andreas Weichert