Problem statement:
The problem occurs when we add users to a teamsite using the adresbook feature. After selecting a number of users from the Global adresslist we click the "TO" button and then click OK. The Users e.mail adresses appear in the "Chose users" box. Then we select the appropriate Sitegroup we want the users to belong to and click Next.
In step 3 We need to confirm the users to be added. Then we notice that some of the users accountnames could not be resolved. We can see the emailaddress and the displayname but the username is not resolved.
We have also observed that for the users that cannot be resolved the displayname that we see is not the displayname for that user in Active Directory.
What we also see is, that changing the primary smtp adress to the format for a user that previously could not be resolved solves the issue.
What we already checked:
A user that can be resolved and one that cannot seem to have the exact same format in Active directory (when Displayname, Simple displayname, primary SMTP address, Alias and username are considered) Both users are on the same exchange information store.
Importing user profiles from AD works perfectly. We even see the correct displaynames appear in the imported user properties. No recent changes were made in AD on users dislaynames etc."
Anyone got a clue about this?
The problem occurs when we add users to a teamsite using the adresbook feature. After selecting a number of users from the Global adresslist we click the "TO" button and then click OK. The Users e.mail adresses appear in the "Chose users" box. Then we select the appropriate Sitegroup we want the users to belong to and click Next.
In step 3 We need to confirm the users to be added. Then we notice that some of the users accountnames could not be resolved. We can see the emailaddress and the displayname but the username is not resolved.
We have also observed that for the users that cannot be resolved the displayname that we see is not the displayname for that user in Active Directory.
What we also see is, that changing the primary smtp adress to the format for a user that previously could not be resolved solves the issue.
What we already checked:
A user that can be resolved and one that cannot seem to have the exact same format in Active directory (when Displayname, Simple displayname, primary SMTP address, Alias and username are considered) Both users are on the same exchange information store.
Importing user profiles from AD works perfectly. We even see the correct displaynames appear in the imported user properties. No recent changes were made in AD on users dislaynames etc."
Anyone got a clue about this?