Our Exchange 5.5 sp4 organization has Address Book Views defined.
On the Address Book View container there are no users who have "modify" permission. There are two 'unknown accounts' that do, so I suppose at some time in the past an admin account had modify permission but since then that NT account has been deleted through NT User Admin for Domains.
The 'heuristic bit' seen in raw properties for the ABV container is not set so that, as I understand it, means no Site container permissions are inherited by the ABV container and that does seem to be the way it is behaving. Logged in as the Exchange service account no matter what I do in ABV properties (including trying to reset the heuristic bit to '1') I receive an insufficient permissions error.
How can I add at least one user to to the ABV permissions page and give them modify permission?
On the Address Book View container there are no users who have "modify" permission. There are two 'unknown accounts' that do, so I suppose at some time in the past an admin account had modify permission but since then that NT account has been deleted through NT User Admin for Domains.
The 'heuristic bit' seen in raw properties for the ABV container is not set so that, as I understand it, means no Site container permissions are inherited by the ABV container and that does seem to be the way it is behaving. Logged in as the Exchange service account no matter what I do in ABV properties (including trying to reset the heuristic bit to '1') I receive an insufficient permissions error.
How can I add at least one user to to the ABV permissions page and give them modify permission?