Where can I find additional text files to include in the API Viewer VB6 comes with the following:
Win32API.txt Lots of info in that
Mapi32.txt 1 type declared in it
Dan Appleman's book 'Win32 API Puzzle Book and Tutorial for Visual Basic Programmers' list 15 specific dll's (there are many more) n page 282. However, has anyone created a TXT file for those 15 dll's?
User32.dll is supplied by VB6(Win32API.txt)...that is the only one
gdi32.dll, shell32.dll would be nice but I can't find it on Micorsofts web site. (I can find the DLL's can't find the TXT for them)
Win32API.txt Lots of info in that
Mapi32.txt 1 type declared in it
Dan Appleman's book 'Win32 API Puzzle Book and Tutorial for Visual Basic Programmers' list 15 specific dll's (there are many more) n page 282. However, has anyone created a TXT file for those 15 dll's?
User32.dll is supplied by VB6(Win32API.txt)...that is the only one
gdi32.dll, shell32.dll would be nice but I can't find it on Micorsofts web site. (I can find the DLL's can't find the TXT for them)