Ok.. I REALLY hope someone can help me with this - its just one of the last two things I have to figure out before this cursed thing is done.. First off, just so you know how its all set up, I have seven different queries doing seven different pricing equations (couldnt figure out how to get one query to do it all
) which is all dumped into one huge union query.. Basically so that the report will put in one row whether it is an ES1 charge and ES2 charge (there's different pricing that goes on in each one.. like 4 different prices per percent of sediments.. its confusing) so in the report instead of having a blank spot where its an ES1 and not ES2 it just puts ES1 or ES2 and the pricing for that one.. well at the end of the report I need it to total the total cost of ES1 and the total of ES2 SEPERATELY. Right now its just totaling it all together. How do I get it to seperate? Do I have to make another query? I'm lost
(also need to know how to set up a parameter query in a union query.. if you can help me with that one too I'd be thankful lol I need it to promt the user for dates before it runs the report..)