I have an excel spreadsheet that takes raw data transferred from a Delphi project and does some calculations before printing a report. One of the processes deletes the raw data rows that meet certain specifications. Unfortunately, when the first row of data is deleted from the raw data, the formula's on the report page lose the reference. So I decided to add a sub to run after the DeleteRows that enters the correct formula in the cells.
The formula I need to enter is:
Range(B2).Formula = "Data!A2&CHAR(10)&" "&Data!B2&CHAR(10)&" "&Data!C2"
However I get an error on the " in the middle of the string. How do I structure this so that I keep my spaces?
The formula I need to enter is:
Range(B2).Formula = "Data!A2&CHAR(10)&" "&Data!B2&CHAR(10)&" "&Data!C2"
However I get an error on the " in the middle of the string. How do I structure this so that I keep my spaces?