Technical User
There have been many different items floating around that claim to insert email signatures, however I have found none of them work for me because my company doesn't keep the email signature in a location I can find and because whenever I would run the code the signature would be wiped out when the body was inserted.
So, after looking and searching for several months I finally found one that could be modified. The original came from this link
Here is the code for a modified one that works using VBA and HTML.
The main part is VBA but the message is HTML. One thing to keep in mind with HTML is that the <P> and </P> act as a start and stop to a paragraph and <br /> acts as VBCRLF.
Here it is -
Sub Send_Email_With_Signature()
Dim ESubject as string
Dim Contact_Email as string
Dim Contact_Name as string
Dim Item
' Just in case something goes wrong
On Error GoTo Error_Handler
ESubject = "Test of email signature"
Contact_Email = "Someone@Someplace.com"
Contact_Name = "Barney Fife"
Ebody = "<P>Dear " & Contact_name & ",</P>"
Ebody = Ebody _
& "<p>Please read this email to verify the signature </p>" & _
"<p>This email will show the signature <br />" & _
"at the bottom of the email </p>" & _
"<p> Thank you</p>"
' Creating An email
Set App = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set Itm = App.CreateItem(0)
With Itm
' Show the user the email that was just created
End With
With Itm
' Put the subject line info in the subject line
.Subject = ESubject
' Put who the email is going to in the to line
.To = Contact_Email
' Insert the message into the email
.HTMLBody = Ebody & .HTMLBody
' To save the email
' Send the email
End With
' Clear and exit email
Set App = Nothing
Set Itm = Nothing
Exit Sub
' Clear and exit email
Set App = Nothing
Set Itm = Nothing
' Let the user know something is wrong
MsgBox Err.Description & " See Status Bar"
'Tell the user what went wrong
Application.StatusBar = "Send_Email failed. " & Err.Description
End Sub
So, after looking and searching for several months I finally found one that could be modified. The original came from this link
Here is the code for a modified one that works using VBA and HTML.
The main part is VBA but the message is HTML. One thing to keep in mind with HTML is that the <P> and </P> act as a start and stop to a paragraph and <br /> acts as VBCRLF.
Here it is -
Sub Send_Email_With_Signature()
Dim ESubject as string
Dim Contact_Email as string
Dim Contact_Name as string
Dim Item
' Just in case something goes wrong
On Error GoTo Error_Handler
ESubject = "Test of email signature"
Contact_Email = "Someone@Someplace.com"
Contact_Name = "Barney Fife"
Ebody = "<P>Dear " & Contact_name & ",</P>"
Ebody = Ebody _
& "<p>Please read this email to verify the signature </p>" & _
"<p>This email will show the signature <br />" & _
"at the bottom of the email </p>" & _
"<p> Thank you</p>"
' Creating An email
Set App = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set Itm = App.CreateItem(0)
With Itm
' Show the user the email that was just created
End With
With Itm
' Put the subject line info in the subject line
.Subject = ESubject
' Put who the email is going to in the to line
.To = Contact_Email
' Insert the message into the email
.HTMLBody = Ebody & .HTMLBody
' To save the email
' Send the email
End With
' Clear and exit email
Set App = Nothing
Set Itm = Nothing
Exit Sub
' Clear and exit email
Set App = Nothing
Set Itm = Nothing
' Let the user know something is wrong
MsgBox Err.Description & " See Status Bar"
'Tell the user what went wrong
Application.StatusBar = "Send_Email failed. " & Err.Description
End Sub