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Adding query data to an HTML template 1

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Technical User
Jul 4, 2007
Hi All,

I have put together a vba script that runs two sql queries using the data to populate a html template and then call that template and email it to an email address from one of the queries, this does almost everything I want except that if the query PER has more than one line of data (which it does) it only shows the first line and none of the others

Here is the code that I am using

Private Sub Command4_Click()
On Error Resume Next
Dim objOutlook As Object
Dim objEmail As Object
Dim MyDb As DAO.Database
Dim rsEmail As DAO.Recordset
Dim PER As DAO.Recordset
'Dim sToName As String
'Dim sSubject As String
Dim sMessageBody, strCC
'Dim sImportance As String
'Dim sSentOnBehalfOfName As String
Dim apetext As Variant
Dim abdtext As Variant
Set MyDb = CurrentDb()

apetext = MyDb.QueryDefs("absence_parent_email_master").SQL

apetext = Replace(apetext, "@date", "'" & Me.AbsenceDate & "'")

MyDb.QueryDefs("absence_parent_email").SQL = apetext

Set rsEmail = MyDb.OpenRecordset("absence_parent_email", dbOpenDynaset)

Set objOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.application")

'abdtext = MyDb.QueryDefs("absence_per_day_master").SQL

'abdtext = Replace(abdtext, "@date", "'" & Me.AbsenceDate & "'")

'MyDb.QueryDefs("absence_per_day").SQL = abdtext

'Set PER = MyDb.OpenRecordset("absence_per_day", dbOpenDynaset)

With rsEmail
        Do Until rsEmail.EOF
        abdtext = MyDb.QueryDefs("absence_per_day_master").SQL

        abdtext = Replace(abdtext, "@date", "'" & Me.AbsenceDate & "'")
        abdtext = Replace(abdtext, "@person_code", rsEmail!person_code)

        MyDb.QueryDefs("absence_per_day").SQL = abdtext

        Set PER = MyDb.OpenRecordset("absence_per_day", dbOpenDynaset)
         Set objEmail = objOutlook.CreateItem(olMailItem)
         sMessageBody = ReturnTemplate("ParentEmail")
         'replace variables
sMessageBody = Replace(sMessageBody, "@FORENAME@", rsEmail!FORENAME)
sMessageBody = Replace(sMessageBody, "@SURNAME@", rsEmail!SURNAME)
sMessageBody = Replace(sMessageBody, "@PARENT_TITLE@", rsEmail!PARENT_TITLE)
sMessageBody = Replace(sMessageBody, "@PARENT_FORENAME@", rsEmail!PARENT_FORENAME)
sMessageBody = Replace(sMessageBody, "@PARENT_SURNAME@", rsEmail!PARENT_SURNAME)
sMessageBody = Replace(sMessageBody, "@TIMESTAMP@", Format(Now(), "dddd, d mmmm yyyy at h:nn am/pm"))
sMessageBody = Replace(sMessageBody, "@SONORDAUGHTER@", rsEmail!SONORDAUGHTER)

'Dim html As String
'html = "<html><body><table>"
'html = html & "<tr><td>" & PER.Fields(10).Value & "</td></tr>"
'html = html & "<tr><td>" & PER.Fields(11).Value & "</td></tr>"
'html = html & "<tr><td>" & PER.Fields(12).Value & "</td></tr>"
'html = html & "<tr><td>" & PER.Fields(13).Value & "</td></tr>"
'html = html & "<tr><td>" & PER.Fields(15).Value & "</td></tr>"
'html = html & "<tr><td>" & PER.Fields(7).Value & "</td></tr>"
'html = html & "</table></body></html>"

sMessageBody = Replace(sMessageBody, "@REG_DATE@", PER!REG_DATE)
sMessageBody = Replace(sMessageBody, "@DAY@", PER!Day)
sMessageBody = Replace(sMessageBody, "@STARTTIME@", PER!STARTTIME)
sMessageBody = Replace(sMessageBody, "@ENDTIME@", PER!ENDTIME)
sMessageBody = Replace(sMessageBody, "@COURSETITLE@", PER!COURSETITLE)
sMessageBody = Replace(sMessageBody, "@REGMARKDESCR@", PER!REGMARKDESCR)

'DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, PER, acFormatHTML, True, "N:\absence parent email\templates\parentmail.html"
      With objEmail
            If IsNull(rsEmail!parent_email) = False Then
                .To = rsEmail!parent_email
                .SentOnBehalfOfName = "absence@southdevon.ac.uk"
                .Subject = "Student Absence Notification - " & rsEmail!FORENAME & " " & rsEmail!SURNAME & " ID:" & rsEmail!person_code
                .Importance = olImportanceHigh
                .HTMLbody = sMessageBody
                'DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , _
                    'sToName, , , sSubject, HTMLbody, False, False
            End If
          End With
        Set objEmail = Nothing
        Set PER = Nothing
End With

Set MyDb = Nothing
Set rsEmail = Nothing

Set objOutlook = Nothing
Set objEmail = Nothing

End Sub

I am also using a function called "ReturnTemplate" and here is the code for this 

Public Function ReturnTemplate(sTemplate As String) As String

Dim fnum
Dim applicationPath As String
Dim filename As String
Dim InputText As String
Dim data As String

Select Case sTemplate
    Case "ParentEmail"
        filename = "parentemail.html"
End Select
If IsEmpty(filename) Then
    MsgBox "Template cannot be found", vbExclamation + vbOKOnly, ""
    Exit Function
End If

applicationPath = Application.CurrentProject.Path & "\templates\"

fnum = FreeFile()
Close fnum

Open applicationPath & filename For Input As fnum

    While Not EOF(fnum)
        Line Input #fnum, data

        InputText = InputText & data & vbNewLine


Close #fnum

ReturnTemplate = InputText

End Function

Any help with this problem and I will be extremely grateful. I have looked everywhere for a solution to no avail

Many Thanks

Not knowing HTML the thing that jumps out at me is that you want to handle multiple records for the recordset Per but do not have a loop for it like you do for rsEmail..

Thanks Lameid,

I will try adding a loop to PER see what comes back

Many Thanks

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