This is the code I use to add a new reocrd. Now my database has number of different tables and in order to put two tables on one FORM I needed to create a Secelt Statement in the record source to show all fields in both tables : SELECT COARSE.*, GRAD.* FROM COARSE INNER JOIN GRAD ON [COARSE].[SMPLNM]=[GRAD].[SMPLNM];
Here I then added a button so that I can create a new reocrd (mind you these two tables arelinked with the same primary key and that is SMPLNM.
Dim dbsCOARSE, dbsGRAD As Database
Dim rstCOARSE, rstGRAD As Recordset
Dim sampleNUM As String
' Return Database variable pointing to current database
sampleNUM = InputBox("Enter the new sample number: "
Set dbsCOARSE = CurrentDb
MsgBox "Before setting recordsets", vbOKOnly
Set rstCOARSE = dbsCOARSE.OpenRecordset("COARSE", dbOpenDynaset)
MsgBox "Before ADDNEW", vbOKOnly
With rstCOARSE
![SMPLNM] = sampleNUM
End With
Set rstGRAD = dbsGRAD.OpenRecordset("GRAD", dbOpenDynaset)
Set dbsGRAD = CurrentDb
With rstGRAD
![SMPLNM] = sampleNUM
End With
MsgBox "After ADDNEW", vbOKOnly
New_Customer = True
NOW I GET a new record in the COARS TABLE but not in the GRAD table and there is a message that pops up saying: Object variable or width block variable not set.
Here I then added a button so that I can create a new reocrd (mind you these two tables arelinked with the same primary key and that is SMPLNM.
Dim dbsCOARSE, dbsGRAD As Database
Dim rstCOARSE, rstGRAD As Recordset
Dim sampleNUM As String
' Return Database variable pointing to current database
sampleNUM = InputBox("Enter the new sample number: "
Set dbsCOARSE = CurrentDb
MsgBox "Before setting recordsets", vbOKOnly
Set rstCOARSE = dbsCOARSE.OpenRecordset("COARSE", dbOpenDynaset)
MsgBox "Before ADDNEW", vbOKOnly
With rstCOARSE
![SMPLNM] = sampleNUM
End With
Set rstGRAD = dbsGRAD.OpenRecordset("GRAD", dbOpenDynaset)
Set dbsGRAD = CurrentDb
With rstGRAD
![SMPLNM] = sampleNUM
End With
MsgBox "After ADDNEW", vbOKOnly
New_Customer = True
NOW I GET a new record in the COARS TABLE but not in the GRAD table and there is a message that pops up saying: Object variable or width block variable not set.