I have a subform ECNDetailfrm with a field?? named
Engineering Distribution. When this field is clicked
another form is opened up with the names of the Engineers
that can go in this Engineering Distribution field.
Multiple names can go into this field. This field is for
viewing to show what engineers received the ECN each form
is based on. The code below is the code I have that inserts
each name that is selected to the field. My problem is:
In the table ECNDetailtbl where the Engineering
Distribution field is located only one name will show
up in the table. How can I get multiple names to show.
Engineering Distribution. When this field is clicked
another form is opened up with the names of the Engineers
that can go in this Engineering Distribution field.
Multiple names can go into this field. This field is for
viewing to show what engineers received the ECN each form
is based on. The code below is the code I have that inserts
each name that is selected to the field. My problem is:
In the table ECNDetailtbl where the Engineering
Distribution field is located only one name will show
up in the table. How can I get multiple names to show.
Dim varItem As Variant
Dim strEngineer As String
For Each varItem In Me.MfgEngList.ItemsSelected
strEngineer = strEngineer & Me.MfgEngList.ItemData(varItem) & vbCrLf
Next varItem
strEngineer = Trim(strEngineer)
Forms!ECNBCNVIPfrm!ECNDetailfrm![Engineering Distribution] = strEngineer