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Adding modules

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Apr 1, 2004
I have a client on a shared host with some missing basic modules.
Their support section is all but useless and my client is tied into a 12 month contract which seems impossible to get out of.
I have managed to get some modules installed locally:-
HTML::Template and MIME::Lite which are working properly, despite the ISP saying they will not work.

Another I require is DBD::mysql but I am unable to get this working. It reports that there is a missing component but I am unable to find out which component is missing.
I have been through the module and checked all of the 'use' statements which appear to be loaded.
How can I find out what is missing?

One missing module is Carp.
CGI::Carp is already installed but this Carp module appears to be a different one.
I cannot access the source of this file to install it.
Is it one which has to be compiled from the command line?

My Red Hat Enterprise 5 server has perl 5.8.8 installed as part of the distro, and this includes DBD::Mysql, so I can't install it to see what happens.

All the prerequisites that are listed on cpan are core modules and therefore should be available already. Perhaps the perl installation is not a good one.

In the past, when I have not had root access but still needed to have a personalised perl installation, I have compiled one of my own into a location that I did have full rights to and then just installed all the modules I needed. It's a long-winded process but in situations where you don't have root access, and can't rely on the people who do, it's the only solution.
I certainly can't rely on the ISP's 'experts'.
I can't get then to understand that the required modules are already installed on other servers of theirs.
I even spoke to one of their guys who tried to convince me that Perl and PHP are the same thing.
I have managed to install most of the ones I require but DBD::mysql requires 'carp' to be in place and I cannot find the .pm file for that.

Given that Carp is another core module that simply ought to be there it leads me to think that there must be something wrong with the perl installation itself. That, coupled with the useless support, makes me think that you would be better off creating your own perl installation. You know what you are getting then, and can support it yourself.
Thanks for that but I would not know where to start compiling an installation on a remote server. I managed to set one up locally but remote sounds too daunting.
This ISP brand themselves as one of the UK's best, they are nowhere near as good as they say they are but my client is stuck with them for 12 months.
I have had a few dealings with them in the past and they are at least consistent.

If you have a test system using a similar architecture and Linux distribution you should be able to just set up your own perl installation, tarball or zip it, and upload it to their system. As long as you set up your paths and includes right, it should work a treat. If you don't have access to set environment variables, you may be able to set your include paths in your scripts by pushing them into @INC in the BEGIN { } clause, or by adding -I options to the shebang line.

I'd recommend installing VirtualBox or VMware server so you can run a Linux virtual machine as a test environment.

Carp is a standard module included with Perl, so I can't imagine why it's not there...

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