I use the code below to change automatically two images on a webpage. I want the images to be hyperlinkable when they appear. I have tried to put the href in a couple of places but it dont seam to work. Can anyone help please.
<style type="text/css">
body {position:relative; z-index:0}
td#Pics {width:150px; height:80px; vertical-align:top}
img#kidscando {position:absolute; border:0px; width:150px; height:80px; z-
img#pkhd {position:absolute; border:0px; width:150px; height:80px; z-index:1}
<script type="text/javascript">
var A=2;
var B=1;
var Temp;
function beChanging()
Temp=B; B=A; A=Temp;
document.getElementById('kidscando').style.zIndex = A;
document.getElementById('pkhd').style.zIndex = B;
<body onload="beChanging()">
<table cellpading="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<td width="0">
<td id="Pics">
<img src="images\kidscanddo.gif" id="kidscando">
<img src="images\PKHD_online_logo_150x60px.png" id="pkhd">
Thank you....
I use the code below to change automatically two images on a webpage. I want the images to be hyperlinkable when they appear. I have tried to put the href in a couple of places but it dont seam to work. Can anyone help please.
<style type="text/css">
body {position:relative; z-index:0}
td#Pics {width:150px; height:80px; vertical-align:top}
img#kidscando {position:absolute; border:0px; width:150px; height:80px; z-
img#pkhd {position:absolute; border:0px; width:150px; height:80px; z-index:1}
<script type="text/javascript">
var A=2;
var B=1;
var Temp;
function beChanging()
Temp=B; B=A; A=Temp;
document.getElementById('kidscando').style.zIndex = A;
document.getElementById('pkhd').style.zIndex = B;
<body onload="beChanging()">
<table cellpading="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<td width="0">
<td id="Pics">
<img src="images\kidscanddo.gif" id="kidscando">
<img src="images\PKHD_online_logo_150x60px.png" id="pkhd">
Thank you....