I would like to be able to add on specific headers, that are choosen prior to the search results being given; here is my paging results code AND FOLLOWING IS HOW I AM SPECIFYING HEADERS...andy suggestions on how to intergrate?:
Do While Not rs.EOF
If j > 20 Then
' -- Output a new table for this page
' -- Was there a previous page
if lngPage > 0 Then
' -- complete the previous page
End if
lngPage = lngPage + 1
j = 0
' -----------------------------------------
' -- Call routine to write table top with page number
' -----------------------------------------
WriteTableTop lngPage
End if
j = j+1
' -- output the contents
Response.Write "<TR>"
For a = 0 to rs.Fields.Count - 1
Response.Write "<TD><FONT FACE=""ARIAL"" SIZE=""1"">" & rs.Fields(a) & "</FONT></TD>"
Response.write "</TR>"
' -- move to the next record
if lngPage > 0 Then
' -- complete the previous page
End if
-------------------HEADERS OUTPUT----------------------
f cbx_visn="on" then
Response.Write("<th class='report' align='center'>VISN</th>"
end if
If cbx_facility="on" Then
Response.Write("<th class='report'>Facility</th>"
End If
If cbx_agency="on" Then
Response.Write("<th class='report'>Agency</th>"
End If
Do While Not rs.EOF
If j > 20 Then
' -- Output a new table for this page
' -- Was there a previous page
if lngPage > 0 Then
' -- complete the previous page
End if
lngPage = lngPage + 1
j = 0
' -----------------------------------------
' -- Call routine to write table top with page number
' -----------------------------------------
WriteTableTop lngPage
End if
j = j+1
' -- output the contents
Response.Write "<TR>"
For a = 0 to rs.Fields.Count - 1
Response.Write "<TD><FONT FACE=""ARIAL"" SIZE=""1"">" & rs.Fields(a) & "</FONT></TD>"
Response.write "</TR>"
' -- move to the next record
if lngPage > 0 Then
' -- complete the previous page
End if
-------------------HEADERS OUTPUT----------------------
f cbx_visn="on" then
Response.Write("<th class='report' align='center'>VISN</th>"
end if
If cbx_facility="on" Then
Response.Write("<th class='report'>Facility</th>"
End If
If cbx_agency="on" Then
Response.Write("<th class='report'>Agency</th>"
End If