I've a number of access queries that I need to save as pipe delimited text files.
That part is okay.
But now the recipients require the files to have a header and footer as follows :
The header will read say
and the footer will read
I guess I’ll have to first save the file as txt, and then run a procedure/macro that will open the file and insert the code.
To clarify I’ll have already created the six files as txt files with names say fileA, fileB etc.
How do I do this please?
I've a number of access queries that I need to save as pipe delimited text files.
That part is okay.
But now the recipients require the files to have a header and footer as follows :
The header will read say
and the footer will read
I guess I’ll have to first save the file as txt, and then run a procedure/macro that will open the file and insert the code.
To clarify I’ll have already created the six files as txt files with names say fileA, fileB etc.
How do I do this please?