I want to add the curent date but how do I add this to my program?
insert into news (nid,subject,body,date)values('0','$ntitle','$nbody','CURDATE')
Code listed above isn't adding the current date. Anybody can tell me how to do this? Thanks. There is no Knowledge that is not power.
Age: 16
E-mail: projectnet01@yahoo.com
School: Coral Springs High (Company
not done yet) 
Status: Currently working with C++ for game developing. And making a musical band.
insert into news (nid,subject,body,date)values('0','$ntitle','$nbody','CURDATE')
Code listed above isn't adding the current date. Anybody can tell me how to do this? Thanks. There is no Knowledge that is not power.
Age: 16
E-mail: projectnet01@yahoo.com
School: Coral Springs High (Company
Status: Currently working with C++ for game developing. And making a musical band.