Is it possible to change the plot of the Chart? By this I mean, that I've
produced a chart of 'No.of events logged' by 'Service Provider' and now I
want to change this to 'No.of events logged' by 'Equipment Group'.
Is this possible to produce this through code, during runtime?.....
Any help would be much appreciated....
Kind Regards
(Using Win2K/VB6/SQL2K/CR8.5Dev.Ed/CRAX.DRT)
Is it possible to change the plot of the Chart? By this I mean, that I've
produced a chart of 'No.of events logged' by 'Service Provider' and now I
want to change this to 'No.of events logged' by 'Equipment Group'.
Is this possible to produce this through code, during runtime?.....
Any help would be much appreciated....
Kind Regards
(Using Win2K/VB6/SQL2K/CR8.5Dev.Ed/CRAX.DRT)