Technical User
Hi, I have code that sends an email to each person in a table, the table has four columns, Firstname, Lastname, Email Address, Amount.
The Amount is a total made up from one or more values. What I want to do is add to the body of the email message the results of a second table that holds the detail that make up the total amount.
For example, the email currently looks like this:
Dear John Smith,
The sum of £ 123.45 was paid to your bank account today.
Company Name
What I would like it to do is look like this:
Dear John Smith,
The sum of £ 123.45 was paid to your bank account today.
Inv nbr 123456 £ 50.00
Inv nbr 987654 £ 50.00
Inv nbr 654321 £ 23.45
Company Name
The second table already exists and there is a linking ID between the two tables but I can't work out how to get only the info
per person into each email. There are usually between 20 and 50 individual emails sent and only having a total amount is not giving enough info, I need to show the breakdown of the total per the example.
This is the code currently being used to send the emails (some info changed for anonymity),
there are two tables 20 - REMITTANCE and 20 - REMITTANCES, when all emails are sent, two delete queries run that clear out the tables ready for next time:
Public Sub Create_Rem()
' Run Audit Table insert
Create_Audit ("Remittances")
Dim strEmailText As String
' Create remittances
Dim rst3 As DAO.Recordset
Set rst3 = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("20 - REMITTANCE")
Do Until rst3.EOF = True
Dim olApp As Object 'Added by programmer Hugh Lerwill
Dim olMail As Object 'Added by programmer Hugh Lerwill
Const olMailItem = 0 'Added by programmer Hugh Lerwill
Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") 'Added by programmer Hugh Lerwill
Set olMail = olApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)
strEmailText = rst3!FIRSTNAME & "," & vbCr
strEmailText = strEmailText & vbCr
strEmailText = strEmailText & "This email is your remittance advice totalling £" & rst3!SumOfINV_AMNT & "." & vbCr
strEmailText = strEmailText & "" & vbCr
strEmailText = strEmailText & "" & vbCr
strEmailText = strEmailText & "Kind regards," & vbCr
strEmailText = strEmailText & "" & vbCr
strEmailText = strEmailText & "Finance Team" & vbCr
With olMail
.To = rst3!Email
'.CC = If required
.Subject = "Remittance"
'.Attachments.Add strEmailPath
.Body = strEmailText
End With
Set olMail = Nothing
Set olApp = Nothing
' Turn information off
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
'Run Queries to clear out the Remittance table
DoCmd.OpenQuery "03 - DELETE DATA IN REMITTANCE", acViewNormal, acEdit
DoCmd.OpenQuery "04 - DELETE DATA IN REMITTANCES", acViewNormal, acEdit
End Sub
So my question is how do I add in the breakdown of invoices to the body of the email, thanks.
The Amount is a total made up from one or more values. What I want to do is add to the body of the email message the results of a second table that holds the detail that make up the total amount.
For example, the email currently looks like this:
Dear John Smith,
The sum of £ 123.45 was paid to your bank account today.
Company Name
What I would like it to do is look like this:
Dear John Smith,
The sum of £ 123.45 was paid to your bank account today.
Inv nbr 123456 £ 50.00
Inv nbr 987654 £ 50.00
Inv nbr 654321 £ 23.45
Company Name
The second table already exists and there is a linking ID between the two tables but I can't work out how to get only the info
per person into each email. There are usually between 20 and 50 individual emails sent and only having a total amount is not giving enough info, I need to show the breakdown of the total per the example.
This is the code currently being used to send the emails (some info changed for anonymity),
there are two tables 20 - REMITTANCE and 20 - REMITTANCES, when all emails are sent, two delete queries run that clear out the tables ready for next time:
Public Sub Create_Rem()
' Run Audit Table insert
Create_Audit ("Remittances")
Dim strEmailText As String
' Create remittances
Dim rst3 As DAO.Recordset
Set rst3 = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("20 - REMITTANCE")
Do Until rst3.EOF = True
Dim olApp As Object 'Added by programmer Hugh Lerwill
Dim olMail As Object 'Added by programmer Hugh Lerwill
Const olMailItem = 0 'Added by programmer Hugh Lerwill
Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") 'Added by programmer Hugh Lerwill
Set olMail = olApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)
strEmailText = rst3!FIRSTNAME & "," & vbCr
strEmailText = strEmailText & vbCr
strEmailText = strEmailText & "This email is your remittance advice totalling £" & rst3!SumOfINV_AMNT & "." & vbCr
strEmailText = strEmailText & "" & vbCr
strEmailText = strEmailText & "" & vbCr
strEmailText = strEmailText & "Kind regards," & vbCr
strEmailText = strEmailText & "" & vbCr
strEmailText = strEmailText & "Finance Team" & vbCr
With olMail
.To = rst3!Email
'.CC = If required
.Subject = "Remittance"
'.Attachments.Add strEmailPath
.Body = strEmailText
End With
Set olMail = Nothing
Set olApp = Nothing
' Turn information off
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
'Run Queries to clear out the Remittance table
DoCmd.OpenQuery "03 - DELETE DATA IN REMITTANCE", acViewNormal, acEdit
DoCmd.OpenQuery "04 - DELETE DATA IN REMITTANCES", acViewNormal, acEdit
End Sub
So my question is how do I add in the breakdown of invoices to the body of the email, thanks.