Ok 1 last question(for now anyways... heh)<br><br>I am working on a script that creates websites using IIS administration objects (IISAO)<br><br>I am able to accomplish everything I needed to accomplish so far, except for one.<br><br>In MMC if go into the properties for a virtual web server, there is a tab called Operators. Here you can add users or groups as site operators, and this will in turn add the users or groups to the ACL for the home directory of this site.<br><br>I need to find a way to add a user or group (preferably a group) as an Operator.<br><br>I have looked through the documentation for IISAO and did not find any methods that would accomplish this.<br><br>So in general, I need to add a group to an ACL for the home directory of a website.<br><br>If anybody knows a way that I can do this with VBScript (or any commandline utility that will do it) please let me know.<br><br>Thanks<br>Gerald<br><br>(This site has been very helpful in the past.<br>I'll bring the beer to the next tek-tips party! )<br>