Using Crystal XI, I having a hard time figuring out how to get the total of a column in a report. My issue is I have a formula @numbersprue which contains a formula @pc/sprue that is passed from a subreport. The report works fine, but I need to put a total sum at the bottom of the @numbersprue column. Having difficulty... Any thoughts???
@numberSprue formula:
if instr({Standop.OPNO}, "-10-")>0 then
if {@pc/sprue}=0 then 0
if {@pc/sprue}<>0 then {LABOR.PROCESS_QTY}/{@pc/sprue}
Where @pc/sprue is a formula passed from a subreport
If shared stringvar sprue = " " then 0 else
tonumber(shared stringvar sprue)
@numberSprue formula:
if instr({Standop.OPNO}, "-10-")>0 then
if {@pc/sprue}=0 then 0
if {@pc/sprue}<>0 then {LABOR.PROCESS_QTY}/{@pc/sprue}
Where @pc/sprue is a formula passed from a subreport
If shared stringvar sprue = " " then 0 else
tonumber(shared stringvar sprue)