This is the Formula"Eliminating Entries" I have created for the Eliminating Entries column on the Consolidate Bal Sheet.
CASE 5:if ({@Account1} = "1.1180.22" or {@Account1} = "1.1190.77" or {@Account1} = "0.1190.9" or {@Account1} = "1.1190.99" or {@Account1} = "0.1401"
or {@Account1} = "1.4010.1" or {@Account1} = "0.4010.2" or {@Account1} = "0.4013.2" or {@Account1} in "0.4013.9" to "0.4016.5" or {@Account1} = "0.4017.1" to "0.4017.4"
or {@Account1} = "1.4040" or {@Account1} = "1.4510" or {@Account1} = "1.4550.2" or {@Account1} = "1.4550.2" or {@Account1} = "1.4550.1") then -({RV_GLSA_ROLLING_BAL.GL_PER_5_ACCUM_BAL})
If this formula is left as it is, the Total Liab & Equity are not = to Assets. I need to add the Difference into Account 1.1190.99.
I have a created a new Formula"AdJ_Entry(1.1190.99)" to recognize this. The {@Consolidated } is Total Assets & the {@f-form-sol} is Total Liab + Equity:
{@Account1} = "1.1190.99" then
(-({RV_GLSA_ROLLING_BAL.GL_PER_1_ACCUM_BAL}) + ({@f-form-sol} - {@Consolidated }))
How can I add this formula or another one to the Eliminating Formula I have already created so it will take the place of {@Account1} = "1.1190.99" in the Eliminating Entries Column(A/R) to see if it makes up the Difference so now the Assets = Liab + Capital/Equity
This is the Formula"Eliminating Entries" I have created for the Eliminating Entries column on the Consolidate Bal Sheet.
CASE 5:if ({@Account1} = "1.1180.22" or {@Account1} = "1.1190.77" or {@Account1} = "0.1190.9" or {@Account1} = "1.1190.99" or {@Account1} = "0.1401"
or {@Account1} = "1.4010.1" or {@Account1} = "0.4010.2" or {@Account1} = "0.4013.2" or {@Account1} in "0.4013.9" to "0.4016.5" or {@Account1} = "0.4017.1" to "0.4017.4"
or {@Account1} = "1.4040" or {@Account1} = "1.4510" or {@Account1} = "1.4550.2" or {@Account1} = "1.4550.2" or {@Account1} = "1.4550.1") then -({RV_GLSA_ROLLING_BAL.GL_PER_5_ACCUM_BAL})
If this formula is left as it is, the Total Liab & Equity are not = to Assets. I need to add the Difference into Account 1.1190.99.
I have a created a new Formula"AdJ_Entry(1.1190.99)" to recognize this. The {@Consolidated } is Total Assets & the {@f-form-sol} is Total Liab + Equity:
{@Account1} = "1.1190.99" then
(-({RV_GLSA_ROLLING_BAL.GL_PER_1_ACCUM_BAL}) + ({@f-form-sol} - {@Consolidated }))
How can I add this formula or another one to the Eliminating Formula I have already created so it will take the place of {@Account1} = "1.1190.99" in the Eliminating Entries Column(A/R) to see if it makes up the Difference so now the Assets = Liab + Capital/Equity