I've found this code snippit around the web, but when I try to install it in my program, the program fails.
class MyFrame(wx.Frame):
def __init__(self, parent, id, title):
wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, id, title)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOVE, self.OnMove)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnSize)
self.icon = wx.Icon("lion.ico", wxBITMAP_TYPE_ICO)
I get error: "NameError: global name 'wxBITMAP_TYPE_ICO' is not defined"
Does anybody know how to add a form icon?
I've found this code snippit around the web, but when I try to install it in my program, the program fails.
class MyFrame(wx.Frame):
def __init__(self, parent, id, title):
wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, id, title)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOVE, self.OnMove)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnSize)
self.icon = wx.Icon("lion.ico", wxBITMAP_TYPE_ICO)
I get error: "NameError: global name 'wxBITMAP_TYPE_ICO' is not defined"
Does anybody know how to add a form icon?