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adding a 412 tdl card to exisitng system 2

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Technical User
Apr 17, 2003
my friend was going to talk me through adding a 412 tdl card to and existing systme but due to a family emegency had to go out of town can anyone tell me how to add the new cards he dropped off. this is a dual cabinet merlin magix 2.1 ver 8 second cabinet has a merlin messanger card and a 024 card in the second slot he said that the 491d1 power supply would handle two more cards for right now i only need the exts. to work. can anyone help me out.
Sounds like you have two carriers. Power DOWN LEFT TO RIGHT. Plug your 412TDL in the next available slot. If there is a plastic guard in the opening you can use a small screw driver to "flex" it out. Then line up the card snap it into place. Power UP RIGHT to LEFT. This will have your hardware active..you then have to cable from the 412TDL to some kind of wiring distrubution.
do i have to do station programming to assign ext numbers or will they be assigned by the switch i have read the posts about renumbering dont think i want to do that correct.
The system will assign "default" extension numbers. You will have to renumber them in most cases eventhough some systems I have installed use the 7100's. Usually, the system is told on initial installation what kind of dialplan to run....two, three or four digit extensions. Since your system has already been running there will be numbers automatically assigned. If you are setup in hybrid pbx mode the system will assign the first three buttons to each set with a default number (First buttons left row counting from bottom to top). How are you going to access the ports? Do you already have the cabling in place? What is the last number you could use in the system prior to adding the new hardware? lg
yes its a hybred/pbx system the last logical port is 100 its the last port on the 2nd card in the second carrier as far as numbering goes they are all over the place its like someone just kept adding numbers without rime or reason the last connected pos is slot 7 pair 24 logic # is 100 ext number is 7199 so if i read this right i should be able to power down the system insert the cards then power it back up and it will assign numbers to the new ports. then i have to renumber the ports on these cards using exts. not already assigned. doesnt seem to hard ive been reading the manuals but couldnt tell from them what order to do this in.
That would be correct for the setup space numbering. When you power down like I have mentioned above..the system will add all the stations and the next logical ID will be station 7200...so if you add 24 logical ID's the default numbers on them would be 7200 thru 7223. The main thing is that you power down in the right sequence and power up in the right sequence. lg
Actually, Powering down can be in any sequence.

The important thing is to power up the right most carrier, wait a few seconds then the next right most carrier, again wait a few seconds, and then power up the left most carrier.

You can get sanity errors on the power down if the processor is not powered down first and vice versa. If you happen to corrupt one the processes on the power down or power up then you could get to practice how to program from scratch or put up with some mysterious things that happen once in a while then reprogram anyway. I would power down and up as recommended by AVAYA...if you have technical documents that state you can power down anyway you want I would like to see them. lg
according to the avaya document i read last nite you are supposed to power down the basic carrier then the expansion carriers then power up from the rightmost carrier then move left. this is per page 2-24 thanks alot everyone experessly gig01
forgot to ask about trk ports they will also be active but until i assign them for outbound use they wont automaticlly be assinged to the group is that correct.
The line/trunk ports are unassigned until you assign them to something. If you haven't found the connecting table for the stations, that is on page 109 (3-25) in the Magix R3.0 Installation document.

Also using SPM you can print your whole system, or dial plan, etc. This can be very useful in locating what is assigned where, and for troubleshooting problems or making changes.

mannersj - Please let me know what that document was.


The actual document number is 555-730-140. lg
i did as you suggested and when i powered up the system everything came up fine when i used winspm to check the system inventory is says the boards are in surrrgote mode anyone have any ideas as to what that means i dont have the manuals with me i know what a dummy but i will have to come back tomorrow after i read the manuals and figure out whats up.

Board Renum

This will force the system to read the hardware. lg
i did what you said and it worked the only thing now is that slot 8 has errors and alarms on it slot 9 is fine im going back this morning so that i can check it out and hook up the amps and blocks for the connections. any suggestions on checking the alarms im using Winspam ver 9 and cant find the alarms. should i clear the errors and see what comes back. thanks for your help do you do tech support over the phone. if so id like to pay for your time. my friend wont be bsck until January now. but thanks alot for now.
Yes, Clearing the errors from the Permanent and Transient logs will at least get yuo a clean slate.

Then if any come back, you can post that info as well.
Are the same modules in slot 8 and slot 9? First, power down properly...then reseat(remove and put back in) the pack in slot 8. Power up and check alarms again. If they are not the same tell me the modules you have? I was thinking you said 412TDL's. But when I look at the initial comments you mention 412TDL as one of them. Try the reseat first.

If they aresame modules....after you do the reseat if the alarms are not cleared....then power down again and swap the module in slot 8 with slot 9 and see if the alarms follow the pack. Post your results. lg
the system error im getting is as follows
System Errors
Slots Not Equal
Slot 8 Port 00

i installed two 412 tdl sl/id cards in slots 8 and 9 and now this is the only error i have. any ideas for me. im connecting the amps and blocks now will check back later thanks again for all your help.
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