I'm using an .htaccess file on my dev sever to compress my css files. The .htaccess file looks like this:
AddHandler compresscss .css
Action compresscss /compress/compresscss.php
On my dev server, this works fine, I can see that the css file is being compressed successfully. compresscss.php is a small php script that starts the compression and sets the css headers before reading the PATH_TRANSLATED file.
On my production server (a Media Temple virtual dedicated, in case it's important), it looks like the .htaccess file is prepending my action to the url. When I try to directly access my css file (...com/styles/styles.css), I get a 404:
/compress/compresscss.php/styles/styles.css does not exist on this server.
I've been comparing the two configurations, but I can't see any glaring differences. Does anyone have any suggestions on what to look for? I did go through and make sure that their vhost entries were identical, that didn't seem to work. Any suggestions are most welcome.
AddHandler compresscss .css
Action compresscss /compress/compresscss.php
On my dev server, this works fine, I can see that the css file is being compressed successfully. compresscss.php is a small php script that starts the compression and sets the css headers before reading the PATH_TRANSLATED file.
On my production server (a Media Temple virtual dedicated, in case it's important), it looks like the .htaccess file is prepending my action to the url. When I try to directly access my css file (...com/styles/styles.css), I get a 404:
/compress/compresscss.php/styles/styles.css does not exist on this server.
I've been comparing the two configurations, but I can't see any glaring differences. Does anyone have any suggestions on what to look for? I did go through and make sure that their vhost entries were identical, that didn't seem to work. Any suggestions are most welcome.