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Added sheet in excel from Access not working properly

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May 22, 2008
I have a program in access that creates an excel file from data out of my access database. In some cases, I want to add a sheet to the current file instead of creating a new file. I can add the sheet fine, but I cannot get the sheet to move to the end of the list, nor can I get it to actually write the data to the new sheet: it always writes to the first one.

I am using late binding (not sure if that is causing a problem or not).

Any ideas or helpful hints are welcome!

Here is my code:

Set appExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
appExcel.Visible = False

'start looping through the sub assembly list
strsql = "Select RecId, Part_Number, SubAsm from All_Project_SubAsm"
If Len(strCriteria) > 0 Then
'add in the code criteria
strsql = strsql & " and " & strCriteria
End If
strsql = strsql & " order by part_number"
Set rsProject = db.OpenRecordset(strsql, dbOpenDynaset, dbSeeChanges)
If rsProject.RecordCount <= 0 Then
MsgBox "Error retrieving subassemblies for this project; process terminating!"
Exit Function
End If
strTemplate = "p:\ccrs\ESDPTLST.xls"
Set newbook = appExcel.Workbooks.Open(strTemplate)

rsProject.FindFirst "mid$(Part_Number,1,3) = '" & strProject & "'"
If Not rsProject.NoMatch Then
intPos = InStr(rsProject!Part_Number, "-")
strBase = Mid$(rsProject!Part_Number, 1, intPos - 1)
intSheet = 1

If intSheet > 1 Then _
appExcel.worksheets(intSheet).Move After:=(appExcel.worksheets(intSheet - 1))
strsql = "Select * from SubAsm_Report_Query where recid = " & rsProject!RecID & " order by [16C], [16b]"
Set rsrec = db.OpenRecordset(strsql, dbOpenDynaset, dbSeeChanges)
If rsrec.RecordCount <= 0 Then
MsgBox "There is an error with this part!"
Exit Function
End If
If rsrec![16K] = True Then 'esd
appExcel.ActiveSheet.Shapes("Picture 3").Visible = True
appExcel.ActiveSheet.Shapes("Picture 3").Visible = False
End If
'build the new file name
strfile = rsrec![15H]
If InStr(strfile, "-") > 0 Then
intPos = InStr(strfile, "-")
strfile = Mid$(strfile, 1, intPos - 1)
End If
strfile = strfile & "pl"
If Len(rsrec![15K]) > 0 Then _
strfile = strfile & rsrec![15K]
appExcel.ActiveSheet.Cells(5, 1) = appExcel.ActiveSheet.Cells(5, 1) & " " & rsrec![15E]
appExcel.ActiveSheet.Cells(6, 1) = appExcel.ActiveSheet.Cells(6, 1) & " " & rsrec![15F]
appExcel.ActiveSheet.Cells(7, 1) = appExcel.ActiveSheet.Cells(7, 1) & " " & rsrec![15G]
appExcel.ActiveSheet.Cells(9, 1) = appExcel.ActiveSheet.Cells(9, 1) & " " & rsrec![15H]
appExcel.ActiveSheet.Cells(5, 8) = appExcel.ActiveSheet.Cells(5, 8) & " " & rsrec![15L]
appExcel.ActiveSheet.Cells(6, 8) = appExcel.ActiveSheet.Cells(6, 8) & " " & rsrec![15D]
appExcel.ActiveSheet.Cells(7, 8) = appExcel.ActiveSheet.Cells(7, 8) & " " & rsrec![15K]
appExcel.ActiveSheet.Cells(8, 8) = appExcel.ActiveSheet.Cells(8, 8) & " " & rsrec![15J]
intRow = 14
'headers are now done, so start filling in the data
appExcel.ActiveSheet.Cells(intRow, 1) = rsrec![16C]
If rsrec![16D] = 0 Then
appExcel.ActiveSheet.Cells(intRow, 2) = "AR"
appExcel.ActiveSheet.Cells(intRow, 2) = rsrec![16D]
End If
appExcel.ActiveSheet.Cells(intRow, 3) = rsrec![16E]
appExcel.ActiveSheet.Cells(intRow, 4) = rsrec![16F]
appExcel.ActiveSheet.Cells(intRow, 5) = rsrec![16G]
appExcel.ActiveSheet.Cells(intRow, 6) = rsrec![16H]
appExcel.ActiveSheet.Cells(intRow, 7) = rsrec![16I]
appExcel.ActiveSheet.Cells(intRow, 8) = rsrec![16J]
appExcel.ActiveSheet.Cells(intRow, 9) = rsrec![16K]
appExcel.ActiveSheet.Cells(intRow, 10) = rsrec![16L]
intRow = intRow + 1
Loop Until rsrec.EOF
rsProject.FindNext "mid$(Part_Number,1,3) = '" & strProject & "'"
If Not rsProject.NoMatch Then
intPos = InStr(rsProject!Part_Number, "-")
If strBase = Mid$(rsProject!Part_Number, 1, intPos - 1) Then
'new sheet not new file
intSheet = intSheet + 1
strBase = Mid$(rsProject!Part_Number, 1, intPos - 1)
newbook.SaveAs "c:\ccrs_output\" & strfile & ".xls"
Set newbook = appExcel.Workbooks.Open(strTemplate)
intSheet = 1
End If
newbook.SaveAs "c:\ccrs_output\" & strfile & ".xls"
End If
Loop Until rsProject.NoMatch
End If
Set appExcel = Nothing
Have you stepped through the code?

also these statements (2 different locations)

newbook.SaveAs "c:\ccrs_output\" & strfile & ".xls"

newbook.SaveAs "c:\ccrs_output\" & strfile & ".xls"

does not have newbook defined yet

to fix this issue rearrange you code to this

        If intSheet > 1 Then _
            appExcel.worksheets(1).Move After:=(appExcel.worksheets(intSheet - 1))

        strsql = "Select * from SubAsm_Report_Query where recid = " & rsProject!RecID & " order by [16C], [16b]"

see if this works

also replace this

intSheet - 1



Actually I have found that for some reason the activate and move statements do not appear to work with an integer. I changed the variable to be a string and forced "Sheet2" into it and it worked. So I have changed my code to create a string with the correct sheet number concatenated to it.

I now need to figure out how to get the page formatting and such from the first sheet to the others, but that will be another question.

Thanks for the help!
the activate and move DO work with an integer. However the sheet number changes depening on your order.

So when you add a sheet the new sheet is sheet #1 (not in name but the integer reference). (1st tab) then when you move it to the end of your sheet tabs. It is no longer sheet #1 but sheet intsheet.

That is why I moved your reference to sheetnames below your move statement.

In reference to your last statement. Why not copy sheet1 instead of adding a sheet and then clear the sheet of all values. This way all your formatting will be the same on all the new sheets.

What is the correct format of the copy statement? I have been having trouble getting the formatting to go with the copy.
Try this

if intSheet > 2 then
Sheets(1).Copy after:=Sheets(intSheet-1)
elseif intsheet = 2 then
Sheets(1).Copy after:=Sheets(1)
end if
Range("A1", "Z600").ClearContents

This is to replace

If intSheet > 1 Then _
appExcel.worksheets(intSheet).Move After:=(appExcel.worksheets(intSheet - 1))

Then delete

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Part and Inventory Search

