I have a document that outlines the version history of our logon script. Every so often, I tweak our logon script and I record the changes in a few locations. I would like to automate updating our document. About half way down the document is where the version history is recorded in a bullet-point list (without the bullet-points). I want to add a new item at the top of that list.
So far I've been able to sort find where to begin inserting text.
I want to move to the top of the list and insert a new item but am not sure about the best way to go about it. Any suggestions?
This is the result I am looking for:
So far I've been able to sort find where to begin inserting text.
set objArgs = WScript.Arguments
set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
objWord.Visible = false
objWord.Documents.Open objArgs(0)
set objSelection = objWord.ActiveDocument.Content
with objSelection.Find
.Text = "4. Version History"
end with
I want to move to the top of the list and insert a new item but am not sure about the best way to go about it. Any suggestions?
This is the result I am looking for:
[b]4. Version History[/b]
This is a new item[/red]
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