I currently have a table ECNBCNVIPtbl. This table
has a EcnNbr Field where the ECN Number is input. This
Number is unique to each ECN. I also have a form with
some date fields on the form. When a date is selected
a pop-up form comes up with a checklist for a ECN Analyst
to review before moving on to something else. I am wanting
to change this pop-up form that is currently being reviewed
to actual yes/no checkbox for each review. I can do that
easily enough. I have created a separate table for each
pop-up checklist so the checks can be stored. I really need
to associate the ECN Number of the MainForm that is current
when these checklists are being checked. In a nutshell:
ECNBCNVIPfrm (form name where ECNNumber is input)
Form#1 (autonumber)
ECN#1234567 (Unique ECN Number)
Release Date is selected from Calendar
CheckList Form pops up.
Yes/No Checks are selected and populates ReleaseDateTable.
How can I get ECN#1234567 to also populate the
ReleaseDateTable so when I do queries I can associate the
checked boxes with the ECN Number
has a EcnNbr Field where the ECN Number is input. This
Number is unique to each ECN. I also have a form with
some date fields on the form. When a date is selected
a pop-up form comes up with a checklist for a ECN Analyst
to review before moving on to something else. I am wanting
to change this pop-up form that is currently being reviewed
to actual yes/no checkbox for each review. I can do that
easily enough. I have created a separate table for each
pop-up checklist so the checks can be stored. I really need
to associate the ECN Number of the MainForm that is current
when these checklists are being checked. In a nutshell:
ECNBCNVIPfrm (form name where ECNNumber is input)
Form#1 (autonumber)
ECN#1234567 (Unique ECN Number)
Release Date is selected from Calendar
CheckList Form pops up.
Yes/No Checks are selected and populates ReleaseDateTable.
How can I get ECN#1234567 to also populate the
ReleaseDateTable so when I do queries I can associate the
checked boxes with the ECN Number