When adding an operator to a Magix R4, does the opr. have to be on a certain port- like 01 or 05 on Legend- or can it be any port? 1st carrier only? This system has 1 024 TDL card in slot 1 and 1 412 TDL which is in the 2nd carrier, slot 6. Thanks!
Use this procedure to assign DLC operator positions to the first and fifth
extension jacks on an 008 MLX, 408 GS/LS-ID-MLX, or 412 LS-ID-TDL module.
You also can assign DLC positions to the first, fifth, ninth, and thirteenth
extension jacks on a 016 MLX module, and to the first, fifth, thirteenth, and
seventeenth extension jacks on a 024 TDL module.
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