When data is populated into excel 2007 by one of our instruments, it is truncating the leading zeros and we have to manually put them back in. The number of characters are not the same. Is there an easy way to add a zero to the left of all data in a column?
SQL2005// CRXIr2// XP Pro
"Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be"
-KHALIL GIBRAN 1883-1931
When data is populated into excel 2007 by one of our instruments, it is truncating the leading zeros and we have to manually put them back in. The number of characters are not the same. Is there an easy way to add a zero to the left of all data in a column?
SQL2005// CRXIr2// XP Pro
"Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be"
-KHALIL GIBRAN 1883-1931