I am an XML Newbie, I have an XML output file that list each "Item" for each "Qty". For example, if item "B42" QTY=2, the XML file will list it 2 times with QTY=1 instead of listing it once with QTY=2.
DUE TO THIS HEADACH, is there a way to count/add the quantities? <<<preferred method>>>
If there is no way to count/add, is there a way to sort the output?
Below is the code and the source. I've tried to read and google help, but I cannot get it to work.
I really do not mind in which order it is sorted, just as long as the duplicates are together.
Thank you in advance! -Snug
Output code:
Source XML: (Just 3 items)
DUE TO THIS HEADACH, is there a way to count/add the quantities? <<<preferred method>>>
If there is no way to count/add, is there a way to sort the output?
Below is the code and the source. I've tried to read and google help, but I cannot get it to work.
I really do not mind in which order it is sorted, just as long as the duplicates are together.
Thank you in advance! -Snug
Output code:
Source XML: (Just 3 items)
<Item ID="IDI-1-110">
<Price Type="Cost" Mode="Fixed" Level="1">
<Price Type="List" Mode="Fixed" Level="1">
<Price Type="Retail" Mode="Fixed" Level="1">
<Price Type="Retail" Mode="Fixed" Level="2">
<Var ID="-2" type="String">
<Var ID="-7" type="String">
<Var ID="-8" type="String">
<Item ID="IDI-1-111">
<Price Type="Cost" Mode="Fixed" Level="1">
<Price Type="List" Mode="Fixed" Level="1">
<Price Type="Retail" Mode="Fixed" Level="1">
<Price Type="Retail" Mode="Fixed" Level="2">
<Var ID="-9" type="String">
<Var ID="-2" type="String">
<Var ID="-7" type="String">
<Var ID="-8" type="String">
<Var ID="-12" type="Qty">
<Item ID="IDI-1-431">
<Price Type="Cost" Mode="Fixed" Level="1">
<Price Type="List" Mode="Fixed" Level="1">
<Price Type="Retail" Mode="Fixed" Level="1">
<Price Type="Retail" Mode="Fixed" Level="2">
<Var ID="-9" type="String">
<Var ID="-2" type="String">
<Var ID="-7" type="String">
<Var ID="-8" type="String">
<Var ID="-12" type="Qty">
<xsl:template match="Item">
<xsl:if test="ItemTypeName != 'Appliances'">
<xsl:if test="Price[3]/Value=0">
<xsl:value-of select="Var[@ID='-2']/Value"/>
<xsl:value-of select="ItemTypeName"/>
<xsl:value-of select="LineItemNumber"/>
<xsl:if test="Price[3]/Value != 0">
<xsl:for-each select="Item">
<xsl:sort select="Var[@ID='-2']/Value" data-type="number" order="ascending">
<xsl:value-of select="Var[@ID='-7']/Value"/>
<xsl:value-of select="Var[@ID='-2']/Value"/>
<xsl:value-of select="Quantity"/>
<xsl:value-of select="Price[3]/Value + Price[6]/Value"/>
<xsl:value-of select="ItemTypeName"/>
<xsl:when test="SubTypeName = 'Charge'">
<xsl:value-of select="LineItemNumber"/>