There are probably a couple ways you could do it, depending on what works best for you, but you'll use an ftp script, something like what is documented here:
From the same batch file, you'll need to work some magic to rename the file after you perform the GET. Here is a script I wrote to create a directory with today's date as the name, it should get you started in the right direction. Sorry I don't have the time to rewrite it for you:
echo %date% > temp.txt
for /F "tokens=1,2,3,4 delims=/ " %%1 in (temp.txt) do echo %%4-%%3-%%2 > temp2.txt
for /F %%1 in (temp2.txt) do mkdir %%1
Basically, you should be able to change the "mkdir" command to a rename command and be almost complete. You'll just need to also echo %time% to temp.txt and include the correct tokens in your FOR loop. Will probably take some experimentation to get it right.
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