I'm learning TKinter slowly and trying to use it for a small home project.
I have a grid filled from a Python list, that is working, but I would like to add a top row with column headings, and force the grid to be centered in the window. I have created grids with manually coded rows, having text headings in row 0, but in my grid based on a list I haven't been able to use Row 0 for label text.
As I can learn, I would also like to add (smaller font) centered text line at the bottom of the window, and maybe a push button or two at far right lower corner. See code below.
Any advice greatly appreciated.
I have a grid filled from a Python list, that is working, but I would like to add a top row with column headings, and force the grid to be centered in the window. I have created grids with manually coded rows, having text headings in row 0, but in my grid based on a list I haven't been able to use Row 0 for label text.
As I can learn, I would also like to add (smaller font) centered text line at the bottom of the window, and maybe a push button or two at far right lower corner. See code below.
import tkinter as tk
import tkinter.font as font
window = tk.Tk()
window.title("Feed Bins")
aList = ["Bin 1", "Bin 2", "Bin 3", "Bin 4", "Bin 5", "Bin 6", "Bin 7", "Bin 8", "Bin 9", "Bin 10", "Bin 11",
"Bin 12", "Bin 13", "Bin 14", "Bin 15"]
onList = ["Bin 3", "Bin 12", "Bin 14"]
myFont2 = font.Font(size=10)
label= [0] * 15
for x in range(5): # Number of Rows
for y in range(3): #Number of Colums
frame = tk.Frame(master=window,relief=tk.RAISED,borderwidth=4)
frame.grid(row=x, column=y, padx=5, pady=5) # line 13
label[x+(y*5)] = tk.Label(master=frame, text=aList[x+(y*5)],font=myFont2, height=3, width=20)
def check_alerts():
global aList,onList
for x in range(0,len(aList)):
if aList[x] in onList:
label[x].config(bg = "red")
label[x].config(bg = "lightgrey")
Any advice greatly appreciated.