Hello All,
I have recently taken over support for a company and I am trying to patch up some security issues.
I have this script:
But I get back "Could not find group: Line 4"
I am assuming that it is because its looking for domain admins on the target rather than in AD....but how do I provide it the AD group?
I have recently taken over support for a company and I am trying to patch up some security issues.
I have this script:
strComputer = "ComputerName"
Set objGroup = GetObject("WinNT://" & strComputer & "/Administrators,group")
Set objUser = GetObject("WinNT://Domain/Desktop Admins,group")
But I get back "Could not find group: Line 4"
I am assuming that it is because its looking for domain admins on the target rather than in AD....but how do I provide it the AD group?