Hi everyone,
I am trying to customize PW Purchase Requisition Entry Form. Would any one have any idea how to add an extra column to the Requisition Detail grid. I came across this code on greytrix but failing to make it work:
Could anyone point me in the right direction.
I am trying to customize PW Purchase Requisition Entry Form. Would any one have any idea how to add an extra column to the Requisition Detail grid. I came across this code on greytrix but failing to make it work:
Private Sub ACCPACIC1550UICtrl1_OnUIAppOpened()
On Error GoTo ErorHandler
Dim lintcolumnCount As Integer
‘set the number of column present in the viewlist
lintcolumnCount = vwkTDtlList.ColumnCount
‘Add the category column
vwkTDtlList.AddColumn lintcolumnCount, “CATEGORY”, 0, “Category”, ALIGMENT_LEFT, 100, True, True, False
Could anyone point me in the right direction.