I have created a report and its subreport such that my subreport is in detaila and my printed line is in detailb.
The shared varable is also on the detailb line and is printing out.
The subreport determines if the record has a certain value and places 1 or 0 in the shared varable
MAIN @Flag
Shared NumberVar Flag;
Now I need to get a total of all records that have a 1 in the Flag field to place in my Report footer.
I tried to insert summary but this does not work.
The shared varable is also on the detailb line and is printing out.
The subreport determines if the record has a certain value and places 1 or 0 in the shared varable
MAIN @Flag
Shared NumberVar Flag;
Now I need to get a total of all records that have a 1 in the Flag field to place in my Report footer.
I tried to insert summary but this does not work.