Currently working on moving 1 of 2 Exchange 5.5 sites/servers in an organization to Exchange 2003. Intentions are to have one 2003 server coexist in the same orginization as another 5.5 server in it's own site.
Currently at the step of running the connection wizard using 2003 ADC. Here is the information I am getting after clicking the verify step:
Pass 1 of 2: Active Directory Connector Object Replication Check validation (objects processed: 282)
Warning: The Exchange 5.5 directory still contains objects that are not replicated to Active Directory. If you have just run Connection Agreement Wizard, allow time for directory replication to complete, and then rerun the verification task in Step 4. Otherwise, run the Connection Agreement Wizard.
Pass 2 of 2: Active Directory Object Replication Scan validation (objects processed: 165)
Warning: Active Directory still contains objects that are not replicated to the Exchange 5.5 directory. If you have just run Connection Agreement Wizard, allow time for directory replication to complete, and then rerun the verification task in Step 4. Otherwise, run the Connection Agreement Wizard.
Finished verifying the results of the ADC Tools.
I have of course taken the steps as provided. I'm still not seeing all of the objects replicated to AD. The connections that are being created during the run stage are correct. It appears that all my public folders have been replicated but I'm having trouble replicating mailbox/user data. Also, under the recipients organization unit that it established in AD, is not being populated with all the distribution lists as defined on the exchange 5.5 servers.
Any suggestions?