First time I have ever tried this so I'm in uncharted waters for a change. We have an AD8 on which the hard disk totally crashed. So having found an old drive small enough to be of use, I ghosted an image to it from another AD8.
All seemed well until I reached a screen asking for the activation code. This implies that the machine has a code burned into it and the image didn't match. Does anyone know if this is correct and if so how I can find the activation code. It may well be that I need to contact NEC but I somehow don't expect them to be willing to help.
Any assistance gratefully recieved.
All seemed well until I reached a screen asking for the activation code. This implies that the machine has a code burned into it and the image didn't match. Does anyone know if this is correct and if so how I can find the activation code. It may well be that I need to contact NEC but I somehow don't expect them to be willing to help.
Any assistance gratefully recieved.