I am attempting to create and use Adam for use to handle the ldap functions. I need to sync the AD to Adam but I receive an error below. I have taken this from another blog but it is the same exact error I am seeing. I do not know how to make the OU a possSuperior of the Builtin. Any help where and how to make this happen would be great.
C:\WINDOWS\ADAM>adamsync /sync localhost:50000 ou=synctargetou /log OULog1.txt
And when I cracked open the log, there were all sorts of errors.
Processing Entry: Page 2, Frame 1, Entry 22, Count 1, USN 0 Processing source entry <guid=ba50fb2e1bdd53468913b5d023460185> Processing in-scope entry ba50fb2e1bdd53468913b5d023460185. Adding target object CN=Builtin,ou=SyncTargetOU. Adding attributes: sourceobjectguid, objectClass, instanceType, showInAdvancedViewOnly, creationTime, forceLogoff, lockoutDuration, lockOutObservationWindow, lockoutThreshold, maxPwdAge, minPwdAge, minPwdLength, modifiedCountAtLastProm, nextRid, pwdProperties, pwdHistoryLength, uASCompat, lastagedchange, Ldap error occured. ldap_add_sW: Naming Violation. Extended Info: 00002099: NameErr: DSID-03050F78, problem 2005 (NAMING_VIOLATION), data 0, best match of:
. Ldap error occured. ldap_add_sW: Naming Violation. Extended Info: 00002099: NameErr: DSID-03050F78, problem 2005 (NAMING_VIOLATION), data 0, best match of:
C:\WINDOWS\ADAM>adamsync /sync localhost:50000 ou=synctargetou /log OULog1.txt
And when I cracked open the log, there were all sorts of errors.
Processing Entry: Page 2, Frame 1, Entry 22, Count 1, USN 0 Processing source entry <guid=ba50fb2e1bdd53468913b5d023460185> Processing in-scope entry ba50fb2e1bdd53468913b5d023460185. Adding target object CN=Builtin,ou=SyncTargetOU. Adding attributes: sourceobjectguid, objectClass, instanceType, showInAdvancedViewOnly, creationTime, forceLogoff, lockoutDuration, lockOutObservationWindow, lockoutThreshold, maxPwdAge, minPwdAge, minPwdLength, modifiedCountAtLastProm, nextRid, pwdProperties, pwdHistoryLength, uASCompat, lastagedchange, Ldap error occured. ldap_add_sW: Naming Violation. Extended Info: 00002099: NameErr: DSID-03050F78, problem 2005 (NAMING_VIOLATION), data 0, best match of:
. Ldap error occured. ldap_add_sW: Naming Violation. Extended Info: 00002099: NameErr: DSID-03050F78, problem 2005 (NAMING_VIOLATION), data 0, best match of: