Primary DC: PDC01
Sites: DC01, DC02, DC03, DC04, DC05
In MOM I allways receive errors from DC01,02,03,05 that they don't receive MOMLatencyMonitor Objects from DC04.
There's actually no replication between the DC's they only replicate with PDC01.
The following DCs have not updated their MOMLatencyMonitor objects within the specified time period (24 hours). This is probably caused by either replication not occurring, or because the 'AD Replication Monitoring' script is not running on the DC.
Any Suggestions?
Primary DC: PDC01
Sites: DC01, DC02, DC03, DC04, DC05
In MOM I allways receive errors from DC01,02,03,05 that they don't receive MOMLatencyMonitor Objects from DC04.
There's actually no replication between the DC's they only replicate with PDC01.
The following DCs have not updated their MOMLatencyMonitor objects within the specified time period (24 hours). This is probably caused by either replication not occurring, or because the 'AD Replication Monitoring' script is not running on the DC.
Any Suggestions?