Hi, just looking for some clarification on AD integrated DNS. I have 2 DCs (both Win2k), up until recently only one of them had DNS so I thought it a good idea to add DNS to the 2nd DC. After reading on the MS site how to add a secondary DNS server I installed DNS on the 2 DC. I was ready to add and setup the zones on it as secondary but they were already there because as it turns out the first DCs DNS was AD integrated and everything had replicated.
All sounds good except I am going to retire the first DC soon and replace it with a 2003 R2 box, so what I need to know is when I retire the 1st DC and put in my 2003 DC do I need to set one of my Domain Controllers as the primary DNS server or does AD integrated mean that there is no need to set a each DNS server as primary or secondary ?