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Acucorp trainer claims that microfo

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New member
Jan 1, 1970
Acucorp trainer claims that microfocus source code can be converted, but he never showed us nor can I find any info on it, any suggestions.
Here is a copy of the page out of the manual that deals with the compiler's compatibility options. It doesn't mention microfocus specifically but if microfocus is like RM Cobol or another variation, perhaps it will work. I'm not specifically familiar with microfocus cobol but I have to assume that it is very similar to the rest of them. Why not try compiling a benchmark program using the different options and see what happens?


ACUCOBOL-GT has several options available to aid in converting programs written for other COBOL environments. See the section on compatibility modes below for more information about this. By default, ACUCOBOL-GT runs in the VAX COBOL compatibility mode.

-Ca This option causes simple ACCEPT and DISPLAY statements to be treated in accordance with ANSI semantics. Specifying this option is the same as specifying FROM CONSOLE for all simple ACCEPT statements and UPON CONSOLE for all simple DISPLAY statements. You can control this behavior for individual ACCEPT or DISPLAY statements by specifying an explicit FROM/UPON phrase. For more information, see the discussion in Book 3, Reference Manual, section 2.3.1, "ANSI ACCEPT and DISPLAY Verbs."

Note that prior to Version 2.1, "-Ca" was a synonym for the compile-time option "-Va". If you have an obsolete reference to "-Ca" in any of your compile scripts, or in your CBLFLAGS environment setting, make sure that you change this to "-Va".

-Cb This option causes all sequential files that are not explicitly specified as LINE or BINARY sequential to be treated as BINARY sequential. Normally the file type is determined by a long sequence of rules (see Book 3, Reference Manual, section 5.1.7, "File Types"). Files specified as print files are treated as LINE sequential even when this option is selected.
-Ce This option allows you to specify a default source name extension that is used for both the main source file and its COPY libraries. When it is specified, any source or copy library file name that does not explicitly specify an extension has the default extension appended to it. When the option is specified in RM/COBOL compatibility mode, the default extension is ".CBL". Otherwise, the default is ".COB".

You may specify an alternate default by naming it after an "=" sign in the "-Ce" option. For example, the option "-Ce=CPY" would cause the default extension to be ".CPY".
ACUCOBOL-GT automatically adjusts the extension for upper or lower case to match the case of the name it is being appended to.
-Cf This option forces all indexed, relative, and binary sequential files to be given fixed-length records. Normally the record type is determined by a sequence of rules (see section 5.1.7, "File Types," in Book 3, Reference Manual). This flag is supplied to enhance compatibility with pre-85 compilers and earlier versions of ACUCOBOL-GT.

-Ci Causes the compiler to be compatible with Data General ICOBOL for certain COBOL constructs. References in this manual to VAX COBOL compatibility also apply to ICOBOL compatibility mode unless otherwise stated.
-Ck Causes the compiler to generate key numbers for indexed file alternate keys in a different order. Key numbers are used internally by the compiler and runtime to identify a key. Normally, you do not need to know the key number for a particular key, or care about the order in which they are generated. By default, the compiler sorts the alternate keys in record order before assigning key numbers. This ensures that the keys are given the same number regardless of the ordering in the file's SELECT. Specifying "-Ck" causes the compiler to assign key numbers in the SELECT order.

For most applications, the order in which key numbers are assigned is irrelevant. This option provides compatibility with some other COBOL compilers. This could be helpful when you are sharing data files between ACUCOBOL-GT based programs and programs compiled with these other systems.
-Cm This option causes the compiler to be compatible with IBM/COBOL for the ASSIGN phrase of a SELECT statement. The syntax for the IBM/COBOL ASSIGN phrase is:

ASSIGN TO <filename-1>
[<filename-2> <filename-3> . . .]

where <filename-1>, <filename-2>, and <filename-3> are file identifiers.
Compiling with the &quot;-Cm&quot; option allows the IBM/COBOL ASSIGN phrase to ignore <filename-2> and <filename-3>. If <filename-1> contains any &quot;-&quot; characters, only the characters following the last &quot;-&quot; will constitute the file name assignment for the particular SELECT command. For example:


results in a file called &quot;TEST1&quot;.
All of the existing ACUCOBOL-GT SELECT phrases and options can be used with the IBM/COBOL ASSIGN phrase.
-Cr This sets the compiler to its RM/COBOL compatibility mode.
-Cv This option sets the compiler to its IBM DOS/VS compatibility mode. In this mode, it accepts features of IBM DOS/VS COBOL that are not otherwise accepted. See the IBM DOS/VS COBOL appendix for more information.
-C3 Causes ACUCOBOL-GT to abide by the rules used by Version 1.3. Later versions changed the way ACUCOBOL-GT treats a few special cases. If you use this flag, ACUCOBOL-GT will treat these cases in the same way it did under Version 1.3. This is useful if you are compiling programs written for Version 1.3 and you do not want to modify the programs. Appendix F in Book 4, Appendices, contains details of which features are affected by this option.

Note that specifying this option does not prohibit the use of later features, but merely ensures that the changed features behave in the original fashion. Compare with the &quot;-Z3&quot; option below.

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