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Activity in the Server 2

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Mar 17, 2004
I am using CE 9 and Windows NT, and I need to have an idea about how many users are connected every day. I don't need a deep information (which user run which report), but I need to know if they are using the reports.
I will appreciate all the help, please remember that I am very far from being an expert, if you can give me detail information will be much better.
Thank you in advance,
I have a csp page that gives me this information, if I remember to check it daily. It is based on report instances that are present at the time the csp page is displayed, so reports run and then deleted are not captured. I think to capture all activity, you would need to modify the schedule.csp page to record it in a file or database. That is also assuming that all reports are run through ePortfolio. If you'd like to see my code, please send a note to dsom8 at hotmail.
You could also use Crystal Reports to report off of the log files stored in c:\WINNT\system32\LogFiles\W3SVC1 on your server. If you're using NT authentication, you can group the report by User Name to see all users who have logged on and what they've been doing.

If you select only lines where "URI STEM" = "/reportviewer.csp", this will give you a quick way to see how many reports your users are running.

Additionaly, you can use a formula to extract the report number and use that to pull the name of the report from the APS database.
Hi gortuk ,

Thank you for your answer. Just another question: What kind of connection I shoud use to open the log file ? and do you remember what function can extract the report number and pull the name of the report from the APS database ?

Thanks a lot,

Use the data source type "MS IIS/Proxy Log Files" and select type "Extend (ex*.log)".

To determine report number, I use this formula:
//if URI Query includes Parent, get parent # and not report #
if "parent=" in {URI Query} then
(Length({URI Query}) - InStr({URI Query},"parent="))-6))

//otherwise, get report #
(Mid ({URI Query},
(InStr({URI Query},"=")+1)
(InStr({URI Query},"&")) - (InStr({URI Query},"=")+1)

As far as linking this to report name...
The quick approach is to create a subreport based on your APS Database that displays the Report Name, and link that to the main report by @ReportNumber = ObjectID.

We have a large # of reports on our system, so all of the subreports were really slowing down the report. I created a subreport in the header of the report which builds arrays of Report # and Name, and then used a formula in the main report to spit out Report Name based on @ReportNumber.

Another solution is to upgrade to CE10 because you can turn on audting which should give you all of this information without so much effort!
i am also trying to run reports against
MS IIS/Proxy Log Files type Extend (ex*.log).
the report runs fine in crystal reports, but when I run it
on enterprise 10 I get an error saying failed to load database information. I have tried installing the CR drivers on the server but no luck.
Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?
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