I have a web store that exports a file to the ftp that then gets picked up by my inventory system via FTP, my web store exports the order file every hour on the hour and my inventory system picks up the file every hour on the 15 minute... now it was all running fine and dandy until i had to do some maintenance on our inventory system, it was down for about 8 hours yesterday as i did hardware upgrades and the like... while my web store's SSIS packages exported the txt file and continuously overwrote them. after some google searching i added the ActiveX script to my SSIS package (below) and it works fine, but if the file does not exists (as it shouldn't) it reports an error, i made the SSIS package ignore the error and go to the next step, but now i got annoying warnings everywhere, my question is how do i rewrite the code to report success if it doesn't exist or if it does and renames it, only report error if it cant rename a file that does exist.
added bonus is that the guys who wrote the program that picks up the orders (they only do unix programming for my inventory system, or else i would employ them to do this as well) actually made it look for Product_Orders* so if it misses 8 hours worth of orders it grabs them all and imports them all the same.
MCSE 2000, A+, N+, LCP, CNE
Function Main()
Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set bFile = fso.GetFile("C:\Inetpub\ftproot\Product_Orders.txt")
aYear = year(now)
aMonth = month(now)
aDay = day(now)
aHour = hour(now)
aMinute = minute(now)
aSecond = second(now)
filename = "Product_Orders_" & aYear & "_" & aMonth & "_" & aDay & "_" & aHour & "_" & aMinute & "_" & aSecond & ".txt"
bFile.move ("C:\Inetpub\ftproot\"&filename)
'fso.MoveFile "C:\Inetpub\ftproot\Product_Orders.txt", "C:\Inetpub\ftproot\"&filename
Set fso = Nothing
End Function
added bonus is that the guys who wrote the program that picks up the orders (they only do unix programming for my inventory system, or else i would employ them to do this as well) actually made it look for Product_Orders* so if it misses 8 hours worth of orders it grabs them all and imports them all the same.
MCSE 2000, A+, N+, LCP, CNE