I have a spredsheet that contains the data.I need to display the spreadsheet in a browser when the user types the url of the website.it shouldn't show any alert message that "the activex control on this page might be unsafe"
how do i avoid the message from displying on the browser in the code .i am using code as follows.
function loadworddoc(){
doc = new ActiveXObject("Excel.Application"); // creates the word object
doc.Visible=true; // display Word window
doc.Workbooks.Open("D:\\two.xls"); // specify path to document
how do i avoid the message from displying on the browser in the code .i am using code as follows.
function loadworddoc(){
doc = new ActiveXObject("Excel.Application"); // creates the word object
doc.Visible=true; // display Word window
doc.Workbooks.Open("D:\\two.xls"); // specify path to document