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ActiveX Comp?????

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Jul 3, 2001
I created a crystal viewer (in vb) to allow end users to view crystal reports. On anyone's machine who has a copy of crystal reports it works fine. But if I install my package (my viewer) on someone who does not have crystal the report doesnt seem to come up. My application works fine..but its when the end user tries to open a crystal report from the application they get the following error message:

"ActiveX component cant create object. Error #429."

Has anyone ever experienced this? If so what was the fix?

I included all the required dll's for crystal reports and registered craxdrt9.dll and crviewer9.dll...so what could possibly be the problem!!!!???


You are missing some dll or ocx files that your viewer need to work properly. Find out which files it uses and include them in your setup package. The PDW should find most of the files. Look under the project-references menu to check on others.

Thanks and Good Luck!

I understand Im missing a dll and ocx..but Ive exhausted myself searching and have included nearly my entire OS dlls :p and all of crystals. Can anyone provide a list of what is needed...I am using vb6, sql server 2k, and crystal 9. I dont understand why i keep getting this error. I have registered some files using regsvr32 as well.

If a file is on the target machine but not registered it will also cause the error.

Post the offending code. Maybe it will give us a better idea of what is causing the problem.

Thanks and Good Luck!


Dim strReportPath As String
Dim strFormula As String
Dim I As Integer

Set objCrystalApp = New CRAXDRT.Application

Set objReport = objCrystalApp.OpenReport(Form1.FileIn.Path & "\" & Form1.FileIn.FileName, 0)

For I = 1 To objReport.Database.Tables.Count
objReport.Database.Tables(I).SetLogOnInfo Form1.txtServer.Text, Form1.txtDB.Text, Form1.txtLogin.Text, Form1.txtPassword.Text
Next I

objReport.DiscardSavedData 'discard any saved data

CRViewer91.ReportSource = objReport

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical, "Error #: " & Err.Number
Resume Done

I think right when it tries to view the report this happens...Im not sure exactly..I know something is missing..but not sure what it is!

Isn't there anyone that has vb6 that needed to do the same thing? This surprises me...someone has to have a listing of what is needed. The runtime.chm file I reread and it does not help!



Ok on crviewer9.dll when I do a:

regsvr32 crviewer9.dll

I get a popup saying that the registered dll was successful!

However on 2 other DLL's:

craxdrt9.dll and craxddrt9.dll

I do NOT get this message??? What could be causing this? Is this why the report wont open on some machines?

Please let me know since Im getting closer to finding a way to resolve this.

bump, i too need to know how to fix this, although I am already using the PDW and installing on a windows 98 machine without SE (I believe).
"Copy Unicows.dll to "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Crystal Decisions\2.0\bin". Include unicows.dll (version 1.0.3703.0 or higher) into distributions that are targeted for Windows 9x computers. For more information, refer to knowledge base article c2011871"

Found that, but I did it and it still doesn't work.
I GOT IT!!!!

The computer is missing a file called "usp10.dll". You need to place it in the c:\windows\system folder. After this, type this into start-> run:

regsvr32 "c:\Program Files\Common Files\Crystal Decisions\2.0\bin\craxdrt9.dll"

hit enter. It should succeed and after that they will be able to view reports using CR9.
You have to do this on each client pc? Or just your pc?

I see you used a regsvr32 to register the dll file..but where did you register it?

If you include the file in your setup package it will be registered automatically. No need for regsvr32 on each target.

Thanks and Good Luck!

Ive done that...and distributed it in my package. Ive been dealing with this issue for 1 month now. Still no solution.

well as long as you include this file in your installation package, when it gets to the point where it tries to register craxdrt9.dll it will succeed (instead of failing).

If you don't have an installation package, you will have to do this on all client's PCs.

I'm not sure what you mean by "where did you register it" You don't have to specify any place to register the file to....
I use INO to install this...how does ino know it has to register the file. To package I simply just place the dll file and let ino copy it. But does it register it?

Ive been dealing with this issue for a windows 2k env. for about one month now.

so in conclusion, all you need to do is add usp10.dll to your install package and have it install into the c:\Windows\System directory. Then, when the install tries to register craxdrt9.dll it will succeed.
I have no idea what INO is, i use the Package and Deployment wizard.

Win2k shouldn't have any issues as long as you install all of the necessary files. Here are all the files my install program installs:

File6=@Mscomctl.ocx,$(WinSysPath),$(DLLSelfRegister),$(Shared),1/6/99 5:18:14 AM,1057552,
File7=@COMDLG32.OCX,$(WinSysPath),$(DLLSelfRegister),$(Shared),5/7/99 12:00:00 AM,140288,
File8=@MSMASK32.OCX,$(WinSysPath),$(DLLSelfRegister),$(Shared),5/7/99 12:00:00 AM,166408,
File9=@msjro.dll,$(WinSysPath),$(DLLSelfRegister),$(Shared),2/19/02 4:36:54 PM,90112,2.70.9001.0
File10=@MSSTDFMT.DLL,$(WinSysPath),$(DLLSelfRegister),$(Shared),7/15/00 12:00:00 AM,118784,
File11=@keycode.dll,$(CommonFiles)\Crystal Decisions\2.0\bin,$(dllSelfRegister),$(Shared),7/5/02 12:13:16 AM,221184,
File12=@u2dapp.dll,$(CommonFiles)\Crystal Decisions\2.0\bin,,$(Shared),12/7/99 7:31:24 AM,28672,
File13=@u2dpost.dll,$(CommonFiles)\Crystal Decisions\2.0\bin,,$(Shared),2/3/01 6:05:56 AM,102400,
File14=@u2ddisk.dll,$(CommonFiles)\Crystal Decisions\2.0\bin,,$(Shared),7/12/02 5:32:22 AM,49152,
File15=@u2ftext.dll,$(CommonFiles)\Crystal Decisions\2.0\bin,,$(Shared),7/12/02 5:30:00 AM,155648,
File16=@u2fsepv.dll,$(CommonFiles)\Crystal Decisions\2.0\bin,,$(Shared),11/8/00 1:46:00 PM,36864,
File17=@u2fcr.dll,$(CommonFiles)\Crystal Decisions\2.0\bin,,$(Shared),2/3/01 6:05:56 AM,28672,
File18=@crtslv.dll,$(CommonFiles)\Crystal Decisions\2.0\bin,$(dllSelfRegister),$(Shared),7/5/02 12:12:42 AM,30793,
File19=@ExportModeller.dll,$(CommonFiles)\Crystal Decisions\2.0\bin,$(dllSelfRegister),$(Shared),7/12/02 5:26:30 AM,495688,
File20=@crxf_pdf.dll,$(CommonFiles)\Crystal Decisions\2.0\bin,,$(Shared),7/12/02 5:27:00 AM,389175,
File21=@crxf_xls.dll,$(CommonFiles)\Crystal Decisions\2.0\bin,,$(Shared),7/12/02 5:28:36 AM,405571,
File22=@crxf_wordw.dll,$(CommonFiles)\Crystal Decisions\2.0\bin,,$(Shared),7/12/02 5:27:36 AM,163897,
File23=@crxf_rtf.dll,$(CommonFiles)\Crystal Decisions\2.0\bin,,$(Shared),7/12/02 5:27:18 AM,163895,
File24=@exlate32.dll,$(CommonFiles)\Crystal Decisions\2.0\bin,,$(Shared),7/4/02 8:10:40 PM,671801,
File25=@querybuilder.dll,$(CommonFiles)\Crystal Decisions\2.0\bin,,$(Shared),7/4/02 7:50:06 PM,163911,
File26=@crdb_odbc.dll,$(CommonFiles)\Crystal Decisions\2.0\bin,,$(Shared),7/14/02 7:43:58 PM,373836,
File27=@crdb_dao.dll,$(CommonFiles)\Crystal Decisions\2.0\bin,,$(Shared),7/4/02 7:51:56 PM,217152,
File28=@crdb_ado.dll,$(CommonFiles)\Crystal Decisions\2.0\bin,,$(Shared),7/16/02 7:44:36 PM,368704,
File29=@crqe.dll,$(CommonFiles)\Crystal Decisions\2.0\bin,$(dllSelfRegister),$(Shared),7/5/02 7:44:46 PM,1417289,
File30=@Implode.dll,$(CommonFiles)\Crystal Decisions\2.0\bin,,$(Shared),12/1/96 7:00:00 PM,18944,
File31=@sscsdk80.dll,$(CommonFiles)\Crystal Decisions\2.0\bin,,$(Shared),6/26/02 10:00:12 AM,1273856,
File32=@u25samp1.dll,$(CommonFiles)\Crystal Decisions\2.0\bin,,$(Shared),7/4/02 11:14:36 PM,24576,
File33=@u25dts.dll,$(CommonFiles)\Crystal Decisions\2.0\bin,,$(Shared),7/4/02 11:13:28 PM,24576,
File34=@u252000.dll,$(CommonFiles)\Crystal Decisions\2.0\bin,,$(Shared),7/4/02 11:13:12 PM,24576,
File35=@u2lfinra.dll,$(CommonFiles)\Crystal Decisions\2.0\bin,,$(Shared),7/4/02 11:14:18 PM,69632,
File36=@u2lexch.dll,$(CommonFiles)\Crystal Decisions\2.0\bin,,$(Shared),7/4/02 11:14:00 PM,28672,
File37=@u2ldts.dll,$(CommonFiles)\Crystal Decisions\2.0\bin,,$(Shared),7/4/02 11:13:40 PM,24576,
File38=@u2lcom.dll,$(CommonFiles)\Crystal Decisions\2.0\bin,,$(Shared),7/4/02 11:12:26 PM,106496,
File39=@u2l2000.dll,$(CommonFiles)\Crystal Decisions\2.0\bin,,$(Shared),7/4/02 11:12:42 PM,24576,
File40=@ufmanager.dll,$(CommonFiles)\Crystal Decisions\2.0\bin,,$(Shared),7/16/02 10:37:36 AM,225280,
File41=@crtowords_en.dll,$(CommonFiles)\Crystal Decisions\2.0\bin,,$(Shared),7/4/02 11:14:54 PM,24576,
File42=@MSVCRT.DLL,$(WinSysPath),,$(Shared),10/30/01 4:57:00 AM,290869,6.1.9359.0
File43=@Unicows.dll,$(CommonFiles)\Crystal Decisions\2.0\bin,,$(Shared),4/23/02 9:30:10 AM,237936,1.0.3626.0
File44=@craxdrt9.dll,$(CommonFiles)\Crystal Decisions\2.0\bin,$(dllSelfRegister),$(Shared),7/14/02 10:42:22 PM,6135873,
File45=@crviewer9.dll,$(CommonFiles)\Crystal Decisions\2.0\bin,$(DLLSelfRegister),$(Shared),7/5/02 12:14:30 AM,770816,
Wait a minute...that might be my problem you said:

so in conclusion, all you need to do is add usp10.dll to your install package and have it install into the c:\Windows\System directory. Then, when the install tries to register craxdrt9.dll it will succeed.

Ive always had ALL the dll files just install to my applications directory. Im guessing this is wrong?


haha, very wrong :). That's why I just use the PDW. I don't have to worry about dll's going to the wrong folders. Plus, depending on the OS the install directories sometimes change.

Have I earned my points yet? :p
It isn't in there... that is the install package that caused the problem. The ONLY thing it is lacking is the usp10.dll file though.
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