The battery of my pda was emty so everything was removed.
If I try to sync with my pc wich runs win98. It did not synchronized calender, contacts, task and notes. There was an attention required error. I looked this error up and saw that the solution for this was to remove my partnership and then create a new one. (the solution if you use exchange)
Well I removed my partnershipt (take pda of the cradle then file delete partnetship. click a few times ok.) Then it seemed there where still other partnerships on it so I removed them all. until everything is emty.
Now I put back in the pda in the cradle and normaly activ sync should display a dialog box to create a new partnership. but no. it doesn't. If I try to connect to my pda by clicking file get connected it sais that the usb is available and so is com4. But it does not connect. I even tried out another cradle but same result.
any idee how to fix everything???
tanks already..
I'm wrealy new to PDA's.
If I try to sync with my pc wich runs win98. It did not synchronized calender, contacts, task and notes. There was an attention required error. I looked this error up and saw that the solution for this was to remove my partnership and then create a new one. (the solution if you use exchange)
Well I removed my partnershipt (take pda of the cradle then file delete partnetship. click a few times ok.) Then it seemed there where still other partnerships on it so I removed them all. until everything is emty.
Now I put back in the pda in the cradle and normaly activ sync should display a dialog box to create a new partnership. but no. it doesn't. If I try to connect to my pda by clicking file get connected it sais that the usb is available and so is com4. But it does not connect. I even tried out another cradle but same result.
any idee how to fix everything???
tanks already..
I'm wrealy new to PDA's.