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active control

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Feb 21, 2001
Can someone tell me how to get the name of the control that has focus on a form? Thks

Try something on the lines of:

Private Sub cmdTest_Click()
Dim ctlPrevious As Control
Dim sControlName As String
Set ctlPrevious = Screen.PreviousControl

sControlName = ctlPrevious.NAME

MsgBox sControlName

end sub Hope this is ok. If not, just let me know.

Nick (Everton Rool OK!)
thx Nick - I was trying to do a mouseover effect for menus that I could put in a class and so reuse. I got it down now. If you weant the code here it is. Put it in a class module

Option Explicit

Private PreviousControl As String
Private CurrentForm As Form
Private MenuControls() As String
Private MenuItems As Integer
Private MenuFocus() As String

Public Sub SetMouseOver(CurrentControl As String, Optional FocusControl As String, Optional HelpControl As String, Optional HelpText As String)
On Error Resume Next
'clear the board
'Do what you want to the control that has the mouse over it
With CurrentForm(CurrentControl)
.FontBold = 1
End With
'Set the focus to any passed control
If IsNull(FocusControl) = False Then
End If
'Set the help text to any passed label
If IsNull(HelpControl) = False Then
CurrentForm(HelpControl).Caption = HelpText
End If
'Add the control to the menu array
AddMenuControl CurrentControl
'Set the previous control
PreviousControl = CurrentControl
End Sub

Public Sub RemoveMouseOver()
'Take off mouseover
End Sub

Private Sub ClearMenu()
Dim i As Integer

On Error Resume Next
'Loop through all controls and remove any mouseover effect
For i = 0 To (MenuItems - 1)
With CurrentForm(MenuControls(i))
.FontBold = 0
End With
Next i
End Sub

Public Static Property Let ActiveForm(ByVal FormObject As Form)
'Set which is the active form affected
Set CurrentForm = Nothing
Set CurrentForm = FormObject
End Property

Private Sub AddMenuControl(Control As String)
Dim i As Integer
Dim cycleitems As Integer
Dim ExistingControl As Boolean

'Loop through the passed control and add it to this array if it isn't there already
'This array is used to ensure that the mouseover effect is removed from all controls
'That no longer should have the effect
ReDim Preserve MenuControls(MenuItems)
For i = 0 To MenuItems
For cycleitems = 0 To UBound(MenuControls)
If Control = MenuControls(i) Then
'control is already listed
ExistingControl = True
Exit Sub
End If
Next cycleitems
Next i
If ExistingControl = False Then
ReDim Preserve MenuControls(MenuItems)
MenuControls(MenuItems) = Control
MenuItems = MenuItems + 1
End If
End Sub
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