Technical User
Okay, I can activate the session I want with AppActivate but I can't get it to continue executing the macro in the other session. Here is what I have...
I figure the issue is that I need to declare the active session as the screen I want to pull the info from but I haven't been able to find the right way to do that. Your thoughts? Thanks in advance!
Dim Sys As Object, Sess As Object, MyScreen As Object, MyArea As Object, i as Integer, oApp as Object, oWin as Object
Set MyScreen = Sess1.Screen
cert$ = Myscreen.getstring(06,27,09)
cert = cert$
AppActivate "EDS-MF3 - Extra! X-treme"
Set Sess = System.ActiveSession
Set MyScreen = Sess.Screen
homecheck$ = Myscreen.getstring(16,08,07)
homecheck = homecheck$
cmdln$ = Myscreen.getstring(23,02,03)
cmdln = cmdln$
sshom$ = Myscreen.getstring(01,30,07)
sshom = sshom$
comment$ = Myscreen.getstring(02,43,07)
comment = comment$
ccs$ = Myscreen.getstring(01,31,04)
ccs = ccs$
ccswksht$ = Myscreen.getstring(01,28,04)
ccswksht = ccswksht$
I figure the issue is that I need to declare the active session as the screen I want to pull the info from but I haven't been able to find the right way to do that. Your thoughts? Thanks in advance!